Research and Writing

Engage Ellie to synthesize relevant research for a practitioner audience and write research briefs to save you time.
In addition to her own dissertation case study, Ellie has conducted research including literature reviews for projects at Brown University, The University of Texas at Austin, and Beyond100K (formerly 100Kin10). She co-authored a paper, Building a Framework of Integrated Learning: A New Framework of Learning and Teaching for Pre-K – 12th Grade, with Professor Kenneth Wong focusing on school design principles for evidence- and standards-based K-12 schools, an authored a research brief on modifying school schedules for teacher collaboration for 100Kin10.
Some of the issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion that she has researched to support teams include implicit bias in STEM; culturally responsive/sustaining pedagogy as it relates to statistical literacy, computational thinking, and digital and distance learning; disparate outcomes in STEM and the “STEM pipeline;” STEM identity; and anti-racist teaching and equitable classroom practices.
Most recently, she conducted the background research for the 2022/2023 Beyond100K Trends Report in STEM Education that revealed four trends that will define STEM education in the coming year, key among these that belonging matters in STEM and STEM teachers of color are crucial. The report was published on the Beyond100K website as well as written about in Forbes.
Writing and Ghostwriting
Your organization can benefit from captivating content that resonates with your target audience. Ellie has produced high-quality written products (including blog posts and presentation slide decks) that highlight and synthesize research findings. Additionally she drafted two sections of a public report for UTeach ACCESS/community college pathways into teaching.
Engage Ellie's writing skills to craft compelling articles, reports, and thought leadership pieces on various educational topics.